Monday, October 27, 2008

It's been too long

It has been a while since I posted on this page, and I want to fix that.

Many things have been happening all of them important, but I can't remember to take pictures of every one. (I'm too forgetful).

One of the most exciting things was the breakfast for "Those Who Excel" on the ISAT. A large number of students and parents were able to come together to celebrate the success of our students on the state assessment. It is one of my most favorite days of the year. We are all so proud of all our students, but it is especially nice to be able to recognize them in this way.

This week our Student Council is sponsoring "Say No To Drugs" week. We had three guest speakers who talked with us about the dangers of drugs and what to do to avoid being hurt.

For the remainder of the week we will be doing a variety of things to show our resistance to drugs. Today was wear red day, and each student had the opportunity to decorate a brick to build a wall against drugs. Tomorrow is "turn your back on drugs" and the students will be able to wear their clothes backwards. Wednesday is "sock it to drugs" and "shade out drugs". The students can wear crazy socks and their sunglasses. On Thursday it's "hats off to drugs" and "drug free, no sweat". Wear a hat or sweats. The week will finish up with "Smarties Don't Do Drugs" and the students will get smarties at lunch. It should be a great week.

Report cards come home on Friday. If your child is not doing well please ask them first what they think the issue is, but don't hesitate to call the teacher and ask for an appointment. Together, hopefully, we can encourage our kids to do their best. If your child is doing well make sure to reinforce that in the best way possible, with praise! Kids love it when they know you are proud of them.

If you ever have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. We are sooooo glad your kids are here.

1 comment:

Jackie Stendeback said...

Excellent website, Cindy! I imagine the kids absolutely love it!